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    14 Game Reviews

    3 w/ Responses

    Good God, I'm so happy because of this. The beginning made me a bit confused for a bit as did the title, buy holy fuck-a-mother shit mate, you totally fucked everyone's mind with this Kenji shit! XD
    Unfortunately, because Castlevania AND Katawa Shoujo are so awesome the game is laggy. Not your fault bro. XD
    One thing though. I'm unaware of 4 Leaf Studios having any policy on whether or not a fanfic like this can be made that uses the game's music, buttons, text, and such. I hope not for your sake. But they are an official, uh.... company/incorporation/fancy-shmancy-g roup? Lol.


    Thanks for putting a weird perception of IWBTG in everybody's heads.
    For one thing, the z button function was nearly unused.
    But the bad ending's badass rock end? I can't believe you fucking took that from the original game. I don't know if that infringes on any rights or not, but. you just don't fuck with The Guy man. You just don't.
    Anyways, 3.5/5 for referencing the game and for making me paranoid about something scary about to happen. I hate closeup poltergeist shots. Not a bad spoof after all. XD

    I thought this was absolutely great. After playing Katawa Shoujo, this just took me back.
    Very nice work with the branches and how they bring each other to different endings, and great bit work. The chip-tunes were a nice touch too.
    Only one thing though. I'm probably being as oblivious as Leigh, but what exactly was the protagonist's medical condition? I couldn't figure it out. I'm *assuming* that he and Leigh apparently had sex and it pushed his heart too far. I'm not sure since the nurse said he was lucky that *it* didn't hit any nerves or arteries. It'd be great if you could explain that.
    Once again, great work.

    ~ Frostbyte

    Yeah, most of these other people probably just wanted something to blow their steam off at anyways.
    This IS an experimental game guys, and a good one at that if you know them when you see them.
    I think this is a great representation of one, and the idea is great.
    This version's a huge upgrade from the original on your site, although the orc was nice to have. ;P
    Anyways, I really like this.

    For those of you who need more experience with the experimental genre, check out "The Majesty of Colors." :)

    4.5/5 because of the development that I know you know it needs. ;P

    ~ Frostbyte

    Awesome idea for an April Fools joke, I was had until I realized the whole gimmick.
    Although, if you guys were to make a real Hunger Games game, I think you'd have one of your biggest hits yet. I'm sure many would plead with you to consider the project.

    Hahaha, I think even "video-games are stupid" girls would like this.
    It's cute, short, full of good taste, and has an amusing ending.
    Despite it's shortness, this was an EXTREMELY good idea for an experimental indie game.
    I love it even more because of the retro tunes and the pixel graphics. (Is it safe to assume Flixel was used here?)
    Anyways, I hope there's more things like this to follow.

    - Frostbyte

    axcho responds:

    Thanks, and let me know if you test the game out on any of those girls. ;)

    You can definitely assume Flixel was used here - Flixel v2.55, with my own enhancements, to be exact. I'll be releasing the source code soon, actually. :) I think you can look forward to more like this.

    I definitely like this so far, the little 2-D effects like the character animations bobbing and flipping to indicate physical movement is a great touch.
    However, in the very first opening scene, I noticed that there was an error for you to scrutinize:
    When the Fjor goes with Cinnacat and Fizzle to meet Coal and Jahti, a piece or two of dialogue was left out concerning the mercenaries learning why the girl was hiring them because of their skills. Somehow Cinnacat already knew about the artifact?
    The music was a good choice for this style of an RPG, and I'm impressed overall.
    Besides that script error, I would greatly emphasize correcting the combat scene animations when the characters are attacking. Especially with Coal (although his attack is pretty awesome as is), if you were to time the attacks with the damage and the victim's flashing to indicate damage...
    You'd have a real kickass combat scene.
    After that, the only real improvement that could be made is better art, graphics, and music. All of which are satisfactory now, and the improvements could very well be considered only as "tweaks."

    - Frostbyte

    Hyptosis responds:


    You Freaking Genius, You.

    Dear god man, going through the storyline made me want to rip out my own heart in anguish, sympathy, and disgust.
    You must realize that you've accomplished a truly amazing feat here!
    You've completely encaptured your audience in not only the gameplay, but the plot as well, and in a short time I might add!
    I don't know if this was drawn from personal experience or not.
    If it was in some aspect of allusions and similes, then I mourn for you friend.
    If it was just drawn up, then you have an extremely rare talent good sir.
    Your work astounds me here, and the fact that you used an 8-bit graphics style and FlashPunk also draws you much respect from me.

    This is the stuff games should be made of more often.
    To tell the truth, it kind of reminds of that horror game Alea, that was featured on the front page a month or so back?

    I have no way to express my admiration for this.
    Might draw a chuckle or some satisfaction from you, eh?

    - Frostbyte

    Good! :)

    Pretty decent game bro, just one thing:
    When the mouse goes off the screen, I don't think it should be made to count as a K.O.
    Many a time, that factor delayed me (for a VERY long time) when I tried to beat a world boss with the Phantos key in hand.
    Oh, and the fact that the Phantis isn't affected by the time ability bites a lot too.
    Other than that, the music was REALLY good, I'd love to get my hands on these remakes of Mario. The gameplay was well thought out with the character/ability/statistics system that was used, and overall, it provided a convenient casual experience of nostalgia.
    Thanks for making this man.

    - Frostbyte


    Hey man, I thought this was a pretty great indie game!
    Even if people might complain about the art/graphics of the sprites and environment, this was a good representation of RPG/TD gaming (or whatever the proper game category is).
    Unfortunately, I noted two problems you've probably already been notified of:
    1.) When using the armory, if one is to purchase any armor upgrade after any weapon upgrade, the sprite for weapon disappears. This doesn't affect the damage or effectiveness of the weapon, and I haven't tried purchasing a weapon after that glitch.
    2.) Not really a big problem, it's just that whenever I blew up a wall with dynamite, the game would lag at the exact time of detonation. As you said, it could be part of the problem with Adobe Flashplayer 11.

    Overall though, this was a great play I enjoyed the replay value as well!

    P.S, I checked out Ortus on your project webpage and I'd love to help fund it, but I'm short on funds myself. I've got a few cosplay costumes and music projects I'm currently working on, so good luck with Ortus!

    Best of luck,
    - Frostbyte

    5/5 rating, 9/10 stars. :)

    Aspiring musician/artist/writ er seeking to exploit works like Katawa Shoujo and fulfill goals like that. Yeah.

    Age 29, Male



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